
Six Feet Under and other projects

Just because I haven't updated the site in over a month doesn't mean I'm not hard at work! I actually have a lot of stuff ready to show off, but as with all things I have to wait until they are publicly shown by the people that bought them. That said, I can at least talk about them a little bit...

Something I just recently finished is a couple of T-shirts for Six Feet Under for their upcoming European tour. If you are familiar with the themes that are usually present in Six Feet Under's merchandise and albums, you can already get a feel for what they will entail. Also, they've asked me to continue doing their album art to their next studio album which is pretty exciting for me. I've talked about it a little bit in the past, but when I was a teenager deep in the heart of wheat country, USA, there wasn't many avenues to be exposed to death metal. The radio at the time pretty much played 90's alternative and the heaviest thing I listened to was Megadeth or Ministry. At the time the entire idea of the death metal growl was completely alien to me. So when I saw bands like Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel on a Beavis and Butthead tape (don't laugh, I'm not that old) that I borrowed from a friend, it immediately resonated with me. Those bands were the only death metal I knew about, and I considered Chris Barnes (ex Cannibal Corpse, now Six Feet Under vocalist) the voice of death metal. 

So it really is an honor for me to be working with him again on multiple projects. And he's also one of the nicest people I've worked with, too, so that's always a good thing. 

Other than that, I have a couple of other bands that have contacted me about doing album covers for them, but I am unsure about when they will need the art and I haven't started them yet. So, unfortunately, it is a little too early to announce anything there. 

Finally, I have been acting like a proper artist a little bit more lately and bringing my sketchbook with me everywhere I go, so I will have a huge dump of sketches to show very soon once I get around to scanning them all.

That's it for now! 


Some domain issues.

The website was down for a few days due to some domain registrar issues. As far as I know everything has been resolved, so everything should be back to normal. Sorry about that! 


ECCC, Crypticon and a Thank you!

Emerald City Comicon '10 is over and I couldn't be happier about the response that I got, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you!. I was honored to meet every one of you. The day after the convention is always a little sad, because now I have to wait a full year for the next one, but the good news is that I will also be setting up a table at Crypticon, Seattle's annual horror convention! So be sure to mark your calenders June 18th-20th and come out and see me if you didn't get a chance to get a print that you had your eye on. But if you don't want to wait that long, feel free to shoot me an email and I'd be happy to ship you any prints for the same price + shipping.

If you are new to the site, welcome and thank you for visiting! I should have something new to show you very soon!



New Artwork!

I've updated my gallery with 3 new pieces of artwork! All three of these were to be for a popular metal band's album art, but the label decided to go in a different direction for the art, so they won't be used. Either way, it was a fun experience and I'm very proud of them! "Corrupted" "Single File" "Processing" 



Emerald City Comicon, March 13-14, 2010.

It's almost that time of year again! Be sure to mark your calendars and come out and visit me at my table in Artist's Alley at this year's Emerald City Comicon. If you have never been to the Washington State Convention & Trade Center in downtown Seattle, it's really easy to find. Just go downtown and find your way to 7th and Pike, across the street from the Cheesecake Factory and Gameworks. 

Last year I was a little under the radar and a lot of people that I met wished they had known I was going to be there, so spread the word to your metal friends! I'll be chatting, meeting, sketching, and of course selling some prints of my work.

There will of course be prints available of my two Bloodbath paintings and Humwawa, but I will also have about 3-4 new prints of recent work as well!

My goal this year is just to have just as much fun as I did last year hanging out and meeting you folks, so stop by and introduce yourselves!